Custom Elevator, in cooperation with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”), is voluntarily recalling for inspection/repair certain of its residential elevators manufactured since 2003. The recall concerns a safety hazard if the elevator is installed such that there is a hazardous gap between the exterior landing (hoistway) door and the interior elevator car door. Custom Elevator agrees with the CPSC staff referring to a ‘corrective action plan’ as a ‘recall’ since the public and the media recognize and respond more readily to that description.
A hazardous gap can occur if the installation of a residential elevator is not done properly and/or is not installed as required by applicable Code or if the Code requirements are not properly enforced. Moreover, even if an elevator is installed in accordance with the then current Code, such Code requirements may be updated after construction. Young children can become entrapped in a hazardous gap between the exterior door and the interior elevator door or gate. The installation of space guards will mitigate the exposure to children if they are permitted to play on elevators unattended.
Custom Elevator is a manufacturer of residential elevators. Custom Elevator does not install elevators nor does it manufacture or provide the elevator hoistway or landing doors. Nonetheless, Custom Elevator has decided to participate in the corrective action plan to work with the CPSC in educating the public and addressing the potential for injury or death of a child entrapped in a hazardous gap. In so doing, we hope others will continue to follow and correct the hundreds or thousands of residential elevators with similar code defects and violations.
What to do:
1. For information on obtaining free space guards, go to or call toll free 888-443-2800
2. All purchasers of our residential elevators are directed to the ASME A17.1-2016 standards that completely eliminate the risk
3. Continue to warn that children should never operate a residential elevator unaccompanied by an adult
4. Discourage the use of residential type elevators in rental properties or for public use